What do you think of kids searching and pecking for the right letters?.. the more effecient way would of coure be being able to look at the screen and know every key by memory...What do you think?
Is this something we should enlighten our public schools about with our concerns (since there are computers in the 5th and 6th grade) .. or should we just take it into our own hand at home?As I watch my kids on here I think .. should I download some typing games for them?
Yes, taking an at home incentive to help your children with their typing skills would be a great help for them.
The public schools have such a limited time to work with each child on their typing skills that it takes the children alot longer to become acquainted with the keyboard and learn to do it with speed and accuracy. (Plus I make up timed internet search 'treasure hunts' to help the children learn to do web searches.) And not only will it help your children but it will allow the teacher extra time to spend with children who don't have access to an at home PC (or a willing parent to help them learn this.)
My grandchildren and I play the free Yahoo Word Games. Our favorite is "Typer Shark" (you have type words shown accurately and quickly or the shark eats you). These games have not only been fun for us but educational in the childrens spelling and typing speed. And they think of it as a fun reward for doing their chores and their homework, too!
Much like patzky, I have a bastardized 4 finger super fast hunt and peck style - where i kinda know where the letters are on the keyboard. It is funny that they are now teaching computers to even my first grader in school, yet typing is nowhere to be found on the curiculum.
I wonder if they would have to add an advanced course in Qwerty keyboard typing, so that you can work a blackberry. Actuaqlly I wonder if I could sign up for it myself. I was just given a blackberry for work use, and to tell you the truth ancient monks writing caligraphy could probably get a message out quicker than I could on my blackberry. I would guess that my kids with their years of gameboy and playstation experience would probably be far better than I on it though.As I watch my kids on here I think .. should I download some typing games for them?
maybe that's a good idea. i've never taken a typing class, because i never thought i'd need one. my style if you can call it that consists of hunt and peck too, just a quicker version... certainly not the prototype 10:00 and 2:00 hands on the steering wheel.
if you think it will help your kids to learn typing this way, go ahead and give it a shot. kids love to learn when they're having fun doing it. if the schools are not teaching basic keyboarding skills (i heard penmanship is falling by the wayside as a subject matter too, due to kids being on computers so much- lol!) maybe learning it at home is better than doing what i did: coming up with my own haphazard style. trust me... you don't want THAT!As I watch my kids on here I think .. should I download some typing games for them?
I think it is a great idea. I was a middle school computer teacher and the kids hated that I covered the keys with plastic so they couldn't read the letters. I taught touch typing. They eliminated my program to teach more math minutes.
I think it would be a great idea for your children to learn how to touch type. The schools are beginning to teach that. Of course in my school we have computer studies. Your child's school may not have that.
Typing is nessicary. It allows more time to think about what your writing. Then you can type it up in 30 minutes.
Be careful though, if you're downloading a game make sure it teaches you how to type correctly. Some games don't teach that. Typer shark on popcap is great if you have mastered touch typing, but if you're a beginner, don't because you'll develop bad habits.
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