Friday, February 10, 2012

How do you deal with your kids wanting games systems and the type of games that are out there ?

I don't want to buy any of the game system for my kids cause the games that are out there are from the devil . How do you deal with this with your kids ?How do you deal with your kids wanting games systems and the type of games that are out there ?
My son has three daughters and they do NOT have any 'electronic gadgets'. Children do NOT need them - what they need is their parent's involvement with their education!!!
I doubt the devil made the game systems. I would figure he'd have more to do than make up games. Not all of them are violent. I think you're a bit silly. I'm sorry but I do. There are many games that are ok for kids. Of course, there's probably more that aren't.

How do I deal with my son wanting game systems? I don't. He knows I don't have the money for them so he is smart enough to know not to bother me for them. He has an older system and frankly he's quite happy with that. He doesn't need all the trendy things in life. I think that kids who want all the trendy things are spoiled and maybe then that's the parents fault. If your kids are asking you for these things maybe you should look in the mirror and see just why they act that way. If they aren't then stop worrying about it. JUST SAY NO. It's really very simple.

Oh you know what else? How come it's ok for you to use a computer and your kids can't play video games? There are far worse things on the internet than anything that YOU allow into your own home.

Your husband is right on this one, this question is a bit wacky.How do you deal with your kids wanting games systems and the type of games that are out there ?
Just say, "NO." You are the parent in charge. This choice really isn't up to your kids.How do you deal with your kids wanting games systems and the type of games that are out there ?
just say no
When I was young, my mother pretty much let me play any videogame I want. This was because she knew it's an eventuality. Take games with violence in them. People die every day. People are murdered. It's spread all over the TV -- Is this any better for your children? Letting them watch and hear how an entire school of students were mowed down with a machine gun?

How is that any different? One is reality, one is fake. Fake eventually becomes reality.

There will always be "BAD" things around, and if your children want the game, I suggest you buy one, just for a tester. Sit with your child and play it WITH them. Test them to see if they can be responsible and not blow it out of proportion. You can watch your child over a couple weeks to see if any personality changes occur as well, and if they do, just take away the game.

The games may be bad, but real life is worse. You won't be able to shelter them forever.
Why don't you buy any game console and buy the good games. Some games are the racing ones and others like Atari one. These are not bad at all.
It might be overreacting a little to say "the games out there are from the devil." Yes, there are some violent games, or games that have curse words, but there are also a lot of kid-friendly games.

You could get a Vtech or InteracTV or Leapster game system. The games are kid-friendly AND educational.

If you aren't cool with those options, you have no other one than to say "you know what, I don't feel like you need a video game system".

Your theory that all games are evil is totally off, though. They aren't. If your goal is to keep your children from all things evil, and you feel all things ARE evil, you will either have to completely shield them from the outside world (not doing them a favor) or you will be unsuccessful (not doing yourself a favor). If you use your head and actually weigh each decision after finding out more about it, you might actually find your kids can have fun and you can stop being afraid of your home being invaded by the devil in a joystick.
We don't have them. Whenever my kids want them, I just tell them it's not something we are going to get right now. I tell them there are better things for them to do with their time. They play hockey and like to play outside. We have a few select games that they are allowed to play on the computer, but they have to earn their computer time.
get one of the learning game systems. I got my son the V- Smile. they can play games while learning at the same time. I've always to let my kids have fun while learning. It teaches math, english, and so much more. It's something you should agree on. There's three systems for differnt age levels.
This seems to be a debt that all of wish could be answered easily!!! In my opinion i see nothing wrong with games just so your kids know what is right and what is wrong. There have been studies on video games vs. violent behavior among kids which it has been shown that there is a direct correlation between violent video games vs. violent behavior when children get older!!!! This does not mean your children will be violent when older this is just stating that it is possible. I think if you sit down with your kids and tell them that the game is not real and in real life people get punished for there bad actions then it is ok!!! If after you decide to get a video game system and games and you start to see violent behavior in the children then either sit them down and talk to them about it or get rid of the video game system...but tell your children why you are getting rid of the video game system. not go looking for violent behavior because this is what psychologist call a self-fulfilling prophecy which means what you are looking for you will find it!!!! Just relax and let the children have fun...if you are really worried just buy games that can be agreed upon by both you and the children!!!!
You think this world is evil? Not good...

Just say no and don't buy them. Tell your husband it is your new rule in the house and everyone has to follow it.

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