Thursday, February 9, 2012

What are some fun, interactive drumming games for kids?

I have a group of kids K-4 that I have to play drums for, but I want to make it fun and interactive. They all made drums and I will be bringing in my drum but I don't want to just do a repeat after me type game.What are some fun, interactive drumming games for kids?
Maybe you could get a CD of music and you could ask the kids to try and drum along with the beat of the song. You could play along too if you wish.

You could play Simon Says with the drums. Like "Simon says drum as fast as you can!" or "Keep a beat with your elbows!" or "Simon says stop drumming!" et cetera...

You could break the kids off into groups and they could quickly write drum songs to perform to the other kids (this may work better with slightly older kids.) Each member of the group would have a different rhythm to play: bass, melody, harmony...

Or you could do a variation of a pattern game with the drums. One person leaves and everyone else sits in a circle. You secretly choose one person in the circle to be the leader, and they start to play a drum beat. Everyone else follows the leader. The guesser comes back in and stands in the middle of the circle, looking at everyone. When the guesser's not looking, the leader will try and change the beat (and then everyone else will follow). The guesser will have to try and figure out who the leader is.

And doing a repeat after me game sounds fine! I think that would be great because you could make it easier or more challenging for the different aged kids.What are some fun, interactive drumming games for kids?
Rockband 1 or 2 i have a 4 year old brother who loves the game go into practice mode and you can mess up all you wantWhat are some fun, interactive drumming games for kids?
rock band 1 or 2

or guitar hero world tour

but songs just have be monitored before u let them play for obscenity

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